And She lived happily ever after…. or not?

And She lived happily ever after…. or not?

Yes… Palm trees. Sunshine. Soft and warm sand between my toes. New bird-songs in the air and the smell of the sea surrounding me. I am happy. Or at least I should be… This is what I have always wanted, what I have been dreaming of. I wanted to live by the...
Action Learning Group Coaching

Action Learning Group Coaching

Különböző elmék – különböző ötletek. Hozd ki a legtöbbet a csoportodból, fejlődjetek hatékonyan, együtt! „Meg kell tanulnunk különbséget tenni az okosság és a bölcsesség között” 1912. április 14-én  az elsüllyeszthetetlennek tartott Titanic egy jéghegynek...
MasterMind Group Coaching

MasterMind Group Coaching

Did you know that ‘you are the average of the 5 people’ that surrounds you most of the time? Now let’s count who they are. Your colleagues, your friends, your other-half, your kids? As a working Mum I had a balanced life, with great projects I had...
Well-being Individual Coaching

Well-being Individual Coaching

   Well-being… There is a lot said about it these days. With the pandemia hitting with the second wave across the world our well-being is effected by so many aspects. Sitting in front of the computer the whole day, being lost between roles as a mum, a...